Friday, September 18, 2015

National Suicide Prevention Strategic Action Plan for Malaysia

National Suicide Prevention Strategic Action Plan - A 5 Year Preventive Plan for Malaysia

Strategies proposed:
1. Establish Technical Working Group (TWG)
2. Promote awareness on suicide through schools, health institutions and media with the emphasis on recognition of risk of suicidal behaviour
3. Enhance accurate collection and monitoring of data on intentional self harm (non-fatal and fatal) at hospital level
4. Strengthen reporting system on fatal intentional self harm
5. Promote human resources development and training
6. Establish and strengthen counselling services at all level of healthcare facilities, schools (pre and post exam counselling) and other government and non-government agencies
7. Enhance and utilise existing outreach programs for suicide prevention
8. Promote responsible reporting by the media
9. Reduce access to pesticides by risk-risk individuals
10. Reduce the availability of lethal amounts of prescription and non-prescription drugs.

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